Monday, November 18, 2019

Mirror Lake in Early Winter

I just had to drive up to Mirror Lake before it gets snowed in for the winter.

Mirror Lake is in the center of this picture. Bald Mountain is on the right. Blythe Lake is on the left. Blythe has nice brook trout and is within walking distance of Mirror Lake. The only problem is that there is no trail. You have to find it by wandering. 

Nobody's fishing Mirror Lake today. It's too frozen for angling and not frozen enough for ice fishing. 

This is Highway 150 looking south. 

This is the side of Hayden Peak mountain. I am surprised the entire Uintas haven't gone up in flames due to more than half the lodgepole pines being firewood (I've heard as high as 90 percent of the trees are dead). They've been decimated by mountain pine beetles. Someday this place will ignite and make way for more aspens and young lodgepoles that future generations can enjoy. 

Looking down on a dead tree.

This is one of my favorite hangouts just off the highway. It's a beaver-pond meadow along the Bear River. I've not only watched beavers in this meadow, but I've seen moose and elk herds emerge into the clearing on the opposite side of the meadow. 

A network of little streams and beaver ponds. 

Over the years, I've watched beavers building this lodge and stocking the pond with winter food storage. Chieko and I visited here a couple months ago and determined the lodge had been abandoned. However, this video shows a wet trail from the water to the top of the lodge and new wood on top. I'm happy to think there is a family of beavers inside. 

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