Thursday, April 23, 2009

Is It Really Just Me?

Have I ever told you about my customer service woes? Don't ask me about we-didn't-steal-your-luggage Greyhound, you're-an-IP-address-hijacking-noncustomer M-Star, or when-you-call-today-we'll-come-today-or-next-week-or-not Whipple Plumbing; you'll be here for hours hearing how these are the stars of everything that's customer disservice.

But here's an experience I have to share, because it just happened today:

I subscribe to Popular Photography magazine, as well as the magazine's email newsletter. I received an email offer to join a PopPhoto customer survey program with a chance to win money. I said, OK. After I registered, I was directed to a page that offered 6 issues (1 year) of a sister magazine, American Photo, for $7. Not a bad deal, so I said, OK.

A subscription page came up with American Photo at 6 issues for $14, not such a great deal. Please enter your credit card number. I called the publisher in New York. The lady in NY gave me an 800 number. The lady at the 800 number had no idea what I was talking about and said the offer must have come from some other company.

I thought PopPhoto should know someone was using their name for a scam, so I called NY again. The same NY lady connected me immediately to another woman named Mirta, who happened to be the one in charge of that very promotion. Mirta was flabbergasted that her promotion didn't work, as she'd tested it several times.

Mirta promised to correct the problem. A short time later she sent me an email telling me life was good, my new subscription to Popular Photography was submitted, and the magazine would arrive soon.

All would have been good, too, had I not already been subscribed to Popular Photography and actually wanted American Photo.

Mirta (I like writing her name, Mirta) sent me another link. I went through the whole survey process again. And voila, I could now subscribe to Popular Photography at only 12 issues for $7. Yes, that's the magazine I already receive.

Now, Mirta has either gone home for the day or decided to go see Spamalot again.

I have to wonder how many people this offer went to, and am I the only one having trouble?

Is it really just me?

And how many copies of Popular Photography will I now receive each month?

1 comment:

Mick and Tiff said...

You must have some kind of radar or something on your forehead. HA HA! I sure am glad though because it makes for some entertaining stories for me!!