Saturday, June 20, 2015

Lagoon June 20, 2015

Today was Jared's dentist friend's treat to Lagoon. Jared invited me (Chieko is not a Lagoon fan) and the Austins to go with him and the other Weavers.

Jared, Jackson and I headed over to Lagoon just after the park opened at 10 a.m. so we could get on some of the bigger rides before the crowds flooded in. This is in front of the Rocket. We did Blast Off then Reentry.

Rocket Reentry. 

Next we headed to Wicked, which until Cannibal opens--a 70mph ride with an inverted drop that was supposed to open this season but has not because, according to rumors that Lagoon officials deny but won't explain the real reason, test dummies are falling from the seats or the building didn't pass fire code--is the most exciting ride in the park. 


Colossus is the park's previous-to-Wicked most exciting ride and guaranteed to scramble your brains before you're done doing twists, upside-downs, and sharp turns. 

After my brain and stomach were pretty well shaken and stirred, I went with Annie to some of the smaller rides for a while. 

This is Ladybug Bop, a smaller Rocket-like ride that goes up, drops, turns, drops, and so on. 

Then we did the Tea Cups. I don't know why. I do not like spinny rides. Before we got on I decided we'd just turn our cup slowly. But then we spun it as fast as we could. When the ride stopped, the spectators continued to spin around the outside for several seconds, at least for me. Annie didn't seem to think so. 

I stood and watched while Annie rode Bulgy The Whale. 

We were about the only people on this 'round-and-'round swing. 

Annie took a car for a drive. 

We met up with the Austins, so then Annie hung out with Emi while Jared and I talked in the shade. 

Oh, yeah. Jared and I went on Bombora with Annie. 

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