Saturday, November 4, 2017

Bear River Bird Refuge

Today I was planning to ride my bike to Odgen, about 50 miles. I do this ride often on Saturdays. The weatherman said we'd have mild temperatures, 45 to 50, and rain after 5 p.m. That's perfect. I was planning my ride in the morning, beginning about 9 am. However, while I was eating breakfast, the weather woman said it was already raining in Ogden. So instead of a trial ride I did 1-1/2 hours on the bike on our patio using Zwift--I ended up climbing a 2,000-foot mountain in Europe--and headed to the Bear River Bird Refuge in the Sequoia to see what blue herons and other interesting birds I could see. However, I forgot to pay attention to hunting seasons. We're in the middle of duck hunting season, and the refuge is apparently open for hunting. That's a pretty poor refuge, if you ask me. I saw quite a few ducks and a lot of pickup trucks with boat trailers filling every parking spot on the refuge's dirt road. Mud road, actually, on this raining day.

Anyway, here are a few pictures I took.

Grass islands.

Most of the ducks were fishing. Here's one making his dive. 

Look closely at the duck on the right. He just surfaced from diving, and you can see he has a fish or worm in his beak. 

Notice this duck's reflection in the pond.

Here's a water-level view of some reeds growing in the shallow water with an island in the background. 

Whoever heard of a wild fire in a swamp? Well, this is one. And the fire appears to have been very widespread, and it smelled like a recent burn. 

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