Friday, February 22, 2019

Birds in Winter

I took these photos and videos at the Farmington Bay Bird Refuge and the Bear River Bird Refuge today. 

 This is the start of the day. The temperature was about 32 degrees F, but the wind made it feel quite a bit colder. My fingers nearly broke off several times during the day while taking pictures. 

My first stop was at Farmington Bay Bird Refuge to see if any eagles were hanging out. They were. I counted 19 on one mud flat.

My mother used to have a sign on her refrigerator that said, "A collision at sea can ruin your day." I suppose the same is true for a collision in the air.

A couple of hawks are looking for lunch. 

Next, I drove to the Bear River Bird Refuge, where for a while I didn't think I'd see a single bird. But then these swans showed up in some open water. But they didn't see me. 

Here's the bevy of swans with their heads above water.

And another view. 

The swans are on the move.

I was also happy to see this solo heron. 


Taking flight. 

Ready to land. 

And the heron has landed.

I tried to keep up with these geese, but they might have been headed to Canada. 

I've been to Farmington Bay about sunset when the eagles were heading back to their nighttime nesting area. I had hoped to see them flying back today, too, but I think I arrived too late. I didn't see a single eagle here this evening. But a couple owls were still out hunting. 

This is the North Salt Lake bench with one of the oil refineries in the foreground. 

Several strings of geese were flying across the dusk sky. I'm not sure if this is a lost goose or some other bird. 

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