Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas 2019

I've gotten into a habit or tradition of driving around Salt Lake City on Christmas morning, partly because I like to go downtown when hardly anyone is there and partly because I like to see if anything is happening on Christmas. Today I was looking mostly to see what stores and restaurants were open.

We also have a tradition of going to a movie on Christmas Eve and then going to dinner. We've found that after 6 p.m. only Asian restaurants are open. Last night w saw Jumanji and enjoyed it. We then ate at a new Korean restaurant in the Chinatown strip mall on State Street. Although that restaurant was planning to be closed today, I think the rest of the shopping center was open. 

You could get seafood from this grocer, and you could enjoy Thai food at the little restaurant in the back of the store. We've eaten at the restaurant before, and it's pretty good. 

This pizza place was open. I noticed a Grinch picture on the partially open door. I don't know if that explains why the restaurant was open on Christmas, but I don't think business was too good. The only car in the parking lot probably belonged to the worker, who was taking a break outside with a cigarette just before I took this picture. 

The Hong Kong Tea House and restaurant on 2nd South was pretty busy. 

I didn't see any Trax trains running today, but the stops downtown all had plenty of people occupying them. 

This is the 6th South viaduct, where it looked like breakfast and lunch bags were being served. 

This market on 9th West and just north of North Temple was hopping with shoppers like any Saturday. 

Across the street. 

I just found this house farther south on 9th West interesting with all the glass art in the front yard. 

Here are the Austins opening presents in our living room. 

And the Weavers. 

The Austin gang.

The Weaver gang. 

All of the Utah Astles. We Facetimed the Astles in Wisconsin, but I don't have any pictures. 

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