Friday, March 27, 2020

Bear River Bird Refuge March 27, 2020

With everyone hunkered down due to the Corona Virus, we decided to take a drive to the Bear River Bird Refuge for a little refuge. There were a few people there, but not many, and we didn't interact with anyone.

This bald eagle, plus a juvenile in a nearby tree, were in a field a ways before the bird refuge loop.

We saw a lot of American coots, also called a mud hen. A lot. But not too many other birds. 

Here are some taking off.

The scenery was beautiful. 

Like I said, we saw a lot of coots. 

And a few geese. 

Mountain view. 

Here are some pelicans. We also saw a blue heron but didn't get a picture, as he was skedaddling. 

This red barn is just before the bird refuge loop. 

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