Monday, March 3, 2008

What I Do at Work

People always ask me what I do for a living. Here's the answer:

Here's a video that shows what we really do. This is a promotional video for our group. These are my coworkers.

And this is a video that we shot in New York with our research partner. It features research that our company sponsored and I managed. I also outlined the script, identified the key topics, helped direct the video with our producers. And if you look quickly, I have a cameo appearance.


Jamie said...

The last two videos were way over my head but I enjoyed the first one. Your dead-man-pose was very CSI.

Unknown said...

Hey, can you give me the direct link to that last video? It's on youtube, right?

MAstle said...

The first video is at The second video is only posted internally at Cisco. The third (last) video will be posted on March 6. I'll get the URL when it's posted, most likely at a address.

Bill Gates II said...

That's really interesting stuff you're working on, Dad. Having worked in several different labs (and other random jobs growing up), I realize how important a collaborative work environment is, but if you were to ask me what the keys to good collaboration are, I wouldn't know what to say (other than general stuff like respect, communication, etc.). It's cool that you guys are trying to define/discover/identify more concrete ways/rules for effective collaboration (like GlaxoSmithCline's idea to physically put people of diffdering hierarchical levels together is pretty creative).