Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"Fishing" Last Weekend

Dad, Jared, Jackson, and I went fishing last Saturday at Jordanelle. We not only didn't get as much as a nibble all afternoon, the outboard motor on my canoe wouldn't putt. First, I haven't licensed the boat since 2007 and was worried I'd get arrested. (Yes, a canoe with a 2 hp motor gets taxed the same as a ski boat.) When we got the boat in the water, the motor started right up. I said something about how amazing it is that that little motor starts up every year, even though I never maintain it or even dump out the old gasoline. Just about then the motor died. So we paddled. Then the motor started. Then it died. It did that all afternoon. When I was sticking the motor back in the shed at home I realized I had forgotten to loosen the air seal on the gas cap. That's why the motor kept dying. Oh well. We had a good time in the sun on the lake on a nice warm November afternoon.

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